I often dream that I did not pass exam in middle school and that is going to be revel although I did end got university diploma. Sometimes I dream that actually I did not pass exam in university therefore my diploma is probably not valid. In dream I felt ashamed due to lie about exams although not sure that I lied anyone about that
Dreams about failing exams or not passing tests can often represent feelings of inadequacy or fear of not measuring up to expectations. The recurring theme of not passing exams from middle school to university could indicate a deep-seated fear of failure or a lack of confidence in your abilities.
Feeling ashamed in the dream may suggest that you have unresolved feelings of guilt or fear associated with past accomplishments or achievements. It could also indicate a fear of being "found out" or exposed as not being as successful as you appear to be.
The uncertainty about whether you actually lied about your exams in the dream may reflect a sense of imposter syndrome or feeling like you don't deserve your accomplishments. It could also point to inner doubts about your own abilities or qualifications.
Overall, this dream may be urging you to address any lingering feelings of self-doubt or impostor syndrome and to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments without fear or guilt. It could also be a reminder to work on building confidence in yourself and trusting in your abilities.